exhibitor registration

2025 Winefest - Food exhibitor registration

If you have any questions before starting your registration, please contact us directly at 825-945-3377 or by emailing exhibitor@rockymountainwine.com.
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Winefest is an all-inclusive event, featuring wine and a selection of food and promotional exhibitors.

All food exhibitors must provide a small, one-to-three bite sample of their product.




All event communication will be sent to this individual. If you would like to add additional staff to receive all event information, please add their emails below.


How did you hear about Winefest?
As you wish it to appear on event programming and promotional material.
Please provide a brief description of what food samples you will be serving and promoting at your booth.
Would you be interested in providing a gift card donation or contesting opportunity for Winefest?
Will you be selling any products in your booth?
Will your booth be hosting a giveaway or offering a promotional item?
Please provide any special requests or details related to your booth, such as preferred booth placement, layouts for multiple booths, nearby exhibitors, or large/unique setup requirements. While Festival Management will make every effort to accommodate your requests, we cannot guarantee they will all be fulfilled.


Upon submitting a completed registration form or signed contract, participating Exhibitors acknowledge and accept the Event Terms & Conditions linked below. Violation of the Terms & Conditions will result in immediate closure of an Exhibitor Booth and potentially a fine. Please read carefully.
Do you accept the above Terms & Conditions?
Do you acknowledge that you understand the terms for displays, signs, giveaways and promotions? See additional notes below.
Winefest Management will provide a 3’ x 2’ sign displaying your company or brand name. Food and promotional exhibitors may add extra signage and decorations, but these must be pre-approved by Winefest Management.
General Liability Insurance - Due to organizers by February, 1st 2025?
All exhibitors must provide a certificate of liability insurance in the amount of $3,000,000 (three million dollars) to participate in events by Dunollie Castle Productions. ‘Dunollie Castle Productions’ must be named as an additionally insured. Please acknowledge this requirement by checking the box.

We like to keep our plates and our inboxes clean. Sign up for a healthy dose of (minimal) updates, including event details, tasting tips and more.

Questions? Email us at info@celebratewinefest.com